Sponsor a 4-H Summer Camper for a Day or a Week

Summer Camp at the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center helps create lifetime memories. Parents and guardians say:

Camp prepares youth for independent living

“She has become more independent and is a better conflict and problem solver.”

Camp builds youth’s self-confidence

“She adores camp and it is a great confidence builder for her. She tends to be shy and camp brings her out of her shell.”

Camp helps youth become more responsible and self-motivated

“My son is taking initiative with chores and helping out at home. He is completing tasks without being asked.”

You should become a sponsor if:

  • You think there is a child or family in our community that faces a financial challenge that would make it otherwise impossible to benefit from the camp experience,
  • You believe that every child should be given te chance to discover who they are, and who they can be,
  • If you believe, as Mr. Rogers said, that "for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood."

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